25 Designs That Failed Badly And They’re Nothing But Hilarious

Designing something can be a tedious process, and hoping that your design will work perfectly for its intended purpose is like flipping a coin. It could receive positive feedback or go completely off the rails. When designs fail, they often do so spectacularly, resulting in some truly funny outcomes. What were the designers thinking? What was their thought process behind creating something the public finds so hilarious? We may never know, but it’s clear they’d want to distance themselves from the project when their designs flop—and who could blame them?

Thanks to the internet, we’ve seen countless examples of design failures that highlight just how epic these mishaps can be. With that in mind, we present to you 25 instances of designs that failed miserably.

1. Straight to hell. Who came up with this?

2. Aye Aye Captain!

3. The illustrator needs to study lions a bit.

5. Really unfortunate placement.

6. Look closely to spot the fail.

7. So you mean ”No one”.

8. Eifel tower in Itlay? Seems legit.

9. Good luck getting Rocco home.

10. I’ll go for kids.

11. Jessica needs to move out of this town as soon as possible.

12. They said it, not me.

13. ”I cancelled my transaction twice in a row by accident. I finally found out why.

14. Oh hey! I’m outta here.

15. Let the red dot do the talking.

16. When you speedrun numbers.

17. Whatever you say wise pencil.

18. I’ll just let this one explain itself.

19. Maybe learn a little typography?

20. I wonder why?


21. Whoopsie! This went terribly wrong.

22. Tha’s one evil suggestion box.


23. Living to their name of being Russian wet tissues.

24. How is this fail even possible.

25. Downloading a car? No, I’m busy printing audio.


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