15 People Who Thought They Were Being Smart But The Reality Was Very Different

Out of the 8 billion people on this planet, not everyone can be intelligent. It’s simply not feasible. Everyone has their flaws, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Instead, we should focus on what we excel at, honing our unique talents until we become specialists in those areas. Intelligence isn’t the only measure of success. If you cling to the notion of being the “smartest” despite evidence to the contrary, you’re only limiting yourself. Acceptance is crucial; without recognizing your shortcomings, you can’t move forward.

Those who believe they’re exceptionally clever, while reality says otherwise, can be incredibly irritating. This is especially true for those who feel entitled to flaunt their so-called intelligence online, only to become a laughingstock for everyone to enjoy.

Today, we’re joining in on the fun and laughing at these individuals. Here are 15 instances where people thought they were smart but completely failed to demonstrate any true intelligence. Scroll down to enjoy!

1. You only sound annoying if I am being true to you.

Via Reddit

2. Something you would expect from Elon Musk’s parody account but no, this is the real Elon Musk.

Via Reddit

3. You know they are smart when all they like listening to is nature freaking sounds and dumb sh*t like intellectual podcasts.

Via Reddit

4. A super-intelligence…that needs improvements?

Via Reddit

5. You crazy woman, how could you challenge his supreme intellect?

Via Reddit

6. That one must’ve hurt for quite some weeks.

Via Reddit

7. He knows the Oxford dictionary, he is in the cool.

Via Reddit

8. Tinder, it is about time you add an IQ filter.

Via Reddit

What are these people? Why do they exist? More importantly, I am really curious to know what makes them feel trying to act smart will make them win the case, whatever it is. It is only making them look dumb and I don’t really have a problem with that because this dumbness only generates hilarious content for us all to enjoy!

9. The person who posted that comment tripped over their use of the English language.

Via Reddit

10. Oh my god he reads a lot of books. Please, sir, marry me.

Via Reddit

11. You must now delete your existence from the internet for being metaphysically not funny.

Via Reddit

12. Ladies and gentlemen, we learn a new thing today; there exist people who have a “near-genius” IQ.

Via Reddit

13. This person was supposed to be born in the year 2049.

Via Reddit

14. They asked what it is, not “please be annoying”.

Via Reddit

15. Ma’am, 9-year-olds only care about french fries and nuggets so please stop.

Via Reddit

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more!

Via u/halbgruen

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