Hilarious Office Drama Ensues When Co-Worker gets Their Lunch Wrongly Stolen

That’s the million-dollar question. I could understand if the food was past its expiration date or if something was seriously wrong with it. Even then, though, who would dare touch someone else’s lunch without asking? It may seem like a normal thing, but we can’t overlook those who steal others’ food. I’ve experienced this myself more times than I’d like to admit. It’s one thing to take someone’s belongings, but lunch? Who does that? It’s incredibly disrespectful and only leaves a bad impression of the person responsible.

Maybe they’re just starving and forgot their own lunch? That could be a plausible excuse, but it doesn’t apply in this case. This particular woman not only stole someone’s lunch but tossed it in the trash without even taking a bite. We may never know why she did it.

Still, I guess a little office drama can sometimes add some excitement to the day!

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Isn’t this taking a small matter a bit too far?

Okay, now I get it. If anyone touched my shrimp they were done for.

I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of this. However, we are talking about shrimp here so this lady is automatically not good in my book.

The perpetrator behind it knew what they were doing.

The mystery is killing me.

So close and yet nobody ever knew her real self.

The only question I have is ‘why?’

She might throw him in the trash for all we know.

It seems this was pre-meditated.

I mean stealing someone’s lunch shouldn’t be a firable offense.

I wonder what will happen when she arrives at work.

You cut the tension with a knife.

Will she realize it’s about her?

One wrong move and we are all done for.

Is she that great of an actress or just plain dumb?

He knew it was the right time to butt in.

Maybe she mistook it for her own lunch?

I mean it could happen. Perhaps she also brought shrimp rice and didn’t want to eat it anymore so she threw them away. I am trying to give her a chance here.

It isn’t like she stole a diamond ring.

She knows they can do nothing to her.

Everybody knows what she did.

Can’t she understand that everyone wants to know why she did it?

Okay, This guy is just adding fuel to the fire now.

At first, I thought she might be allergic to shrimp.

But that is apparently not the case.

Maybe one day we will come to realize why she did it.

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