Think back to your school days. Can you recall that one teacher who always stood out? Perhaps they made you laugh or helped you grasp difficult subjects in a fun and engaging way. Great teachers have a unique ability to leave a lasting impression on us, and they’re the ones we remember no matter how much time passes.
Today, we celebrate these extraordinary educators by sharing some of their most touching moments. Whether it’s giving out plants or drawing humorous pictures, these gestures highlight just how much they care for their students. It’s these small acts of kindness that deepen our appreciation for them. Join us as we honor the amazing teachers who make a difference in their students’ lives every day.
Scroll down below to enjoy!
1. Everyone deserves to be treated and respected equally.
Via ZachsCubClinic
2. Honestly, more teachers need to be like this.
Via redadhdventures
3. “A girl in my geography class had to bring her newborn to class today. The baby started crying in the middle of our quiz.”
4. And that is exactly how it should be.
Via svershbow
5. “Hannah’s class has a zoom session each evening. Last night she got really sad and kind of shut down. Today her teacher came over and hung out for a bit.”
Via kelley.close
6. The difference in both personalities is huge.
Via radicavaqueen
7. If the term “wholesome” was a letter instead.
Via natssfatss
8. A homework policy I wish every school would make it a part of their educational framework.
9. The good ones, they never forget you.
Via beecycles
10. “My daughter’s teacher is undergoing chemo. This was their first art class this year.”
Via Karmafacilitator
11. “Retired teacher drives portable library to encourage reading! What a way to spend retirement.”
Via Dorby_
12. I wish I had such a cool teacher in school.
Via jinglebayls
13. “The highlight of my day was my teacher bringing his cat to school. Every time he asked the class a question, his cat would meow, and he would accept it as an answer.”
Via b-reathed
14. Before the students arrive at school, this teacher has a new drawing prepared for them every day as a surprise.
15. Treat them like your children and watch them behave with you as if you were their parent. Learning made easy!
Via raediancee
16. Imagine what a difference this made in the student’s life.
Via ElyKreimendahl
17. “My favorite high school English teacher posted this today. We need more people like him in the world.”
Via renduh
18. Our teachers are the reason why so many of us have achieved the big dreams we dreamed of one day.
Via gfishandnuggets
19. This elementary school teacher makes adorable cartoon characters out of broken leaves she rakes before the children arrive at school to put a bright smile on their faces as soon as they look at those characters.
Via hamacream,hamacream,hamacream
20. Some teachers were born amazing. This is one of those teachers.
Via itstarekali
21. “I made 35 desks for students in my area who are home due to distance learning.”
Via goodlyearth
22. Teachers deserve much higher pay given how much effort they put in.
Via ReidParker_
23. “A kid at my daughter’s school couldn’t find their lost tooth, and I imagine they were very sad that the tooth fairy wouldn’t come. So the teacher wrote an official letter to excuse them.”
24. “My son, who has learning challenges, developed a special relationship with his amazing fourth-grade teacher.”
Via researchbuff
25. “Art teacher here. I had my 7 and 8-year-old students create monsters that were then “adopted” by local college artists and professors to be reimagined.”
Via snzb
Teachers truly are a blessing in disguise. It’s disheartening that many people fail to respect their educators and often behave poorly towards them, but that’s a discussion for another time. Today, we come together to celebrate our teachers and professors for all the wonderful things they’ve done for us beyond just imparting academic knowledge.
They are like our parents—no, they are our parents in a different sense. I’ve observed that teachers who treat their students like their own children tend to have the best teaching records. Their students shine brightly because an emotional connection is established. When students feel valued and understood, they enjoy being in your presence, listening to your lessons, and learning from you.
26. Can we make this a standard practice?
Via all15on_
27. “I was orphaned early this year. My teacher is starting the adoption process. Here’s an ornament she got for our new family. I thought it was wholesome.”
Via userunknown1998
28. “My mom is the cutest art teacher ever! She made a dress and had every one of her students draw one thing on the dress for her to wear. This was her at her student’s art show tonight.”
Via charlece_lake
29. “A girl in my AP literature class brought her cat in. The teacher invited everyone else to bring in pets any time they please.”
Via galadour
30. “My son has struggled with autism, tourettes, agoraphobia, severe anxiety, and OCD. He found solace in writing, and just published his book on Amazon.”
Via iChasedragons
31. “My teacher rescues animals, and two baby deer were brought in within a week of each other. Now they are best friends.”
Via dustin7239
32. “Yesterday, the quietest kid in my last class spoke to me for the first time. He asked if he could doodle on my board, and since we were just waiting around for buses I said, “Sure”.”
33. There are very few teachers left in this world who put in this kind of extra effort.
Via SgtSavage1106
34. “My father has been a professor of English at the University of St. Thomas for over 50 years. Here he is, at 91 years old, embracing virtual teaching like a boss.”
35. “Sharing a proud teacher moment. I just finished putting together this collaborative grid drawing by my 8th-grade students. I’m so impressed.”
Via Stefalumpagus
36. “Our ex-marine teacher has a student draw a “Cat of the Day” on the board because he likes to. He was absent on Friday and wasn’t able to do so.”
Via laujp
37. Wholesomeness just got taken to another level.
Via tropicsentence
38. Not just a professor but a role model as a human being and a father.
Via Sunipa Dev
39. “We found five abandoned kittens running around the school grounds, and my teacher caught one. This is how the class is being taught.”
40. “My socio-horticulture professor gives every student a plant almost every week.”
Via fetucine
41. “This year, I had no money for costumes. This is what he was wearing when I picked him up from school. Bless these people and what they do for their students.”
Via miraclepenguinx
42. At times our teachers motivate us more to chase our dreams and passions compared to our parents.
Via ClintSmithII
43. Be patient with your teachers because they are trying really hard.
Via urlocalnyguy
44. “This is my old man bird named Chagall. My art teacher gave him to me when I was in high school. He was with my teacher’s family for about 20 years. This is how he sleeps on the couch.”
Via twlvfngrs
45. “My partner struggled with traditional school his whole life, so switched to a trade program last year. Today, he got this message from his professor.”
Via bellabelleell
46. “Our teacher had us do word searches in ASL to practice fingerspelling.”
Via First_Bike_82
47. “This is my dove, Max. 20 years ago, he was rescued by my 4th-grade teacher and her class and lived with them as a pet for 18 years. The teacher gave him to me the year she was retiring.”
Via No_Reason27
48. “Professor showing kids how to buy cheaper textbooks for his class.”
Via bruthewhayne
49. “My professor gave up trying to get his cat off his work during office hours.”
Via sergio0713
50. “How I spent my rainy Sunday: Each one of my students will have at least one present to open this Christmas.”
Via alec7717