Son Questions If He’s Wrong for Considering Euthanasia for Mom’s Pet Macaw

Every year, countless pets find themselves in precarious situations when their owners pass away. This often results from a lack of formal arrangements for their care after the owner’s death. While some pet owners might assume that friends or relatives will step in to care for their pets, the reality is that not everyone is willing or able to take on this responsibility. As a result, many pets are left at risk of abandonment or homelessness.

User u/RemarkableLab7 turned to the AITA subreddit seeking advice on whether it was ethical to euthanize his late mother’s macaw, Charlie. After taking over Charlie’s care, he noticed the bird exhibiting signs of distress, which led the vet to recommend considering euthanasia. OP is grappling with guilt over the decision, as Charlie represents a meaningful connection to his late mother.

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Source: Reddit

1. Should OP proceed with the vet’s suggestion, or is there a better solution?

2. Last summer, OP’s mother succumbed to cancer. Before her passing, she had cared for a pet macaw named Charlie.

3. OP’s mother indulged the bird, Charlie, after retiring 15 years ago. With her passing, OP took on the responsibility of caring for Charlie.

4. Recently, OP noticed a drastic change in Charlie’s behaviour; the bird began plucking feathers, refusing to eat, and displaying aggressive tendencies. Seeking help, OP consulted a vet who diagnosed Charlie with severe stress.

5. The vet advised OP that if Charlie’s condition doesn’t improve, euthanasia might be the kindest option due to his suffering.

Comments on this Story:

6. Refusing to give the bird a chance would be inconsiderate, given the rarity of these birds.

7. Seeking advice from a bird expert might be beneficial in finding ways to alleviate the bird’s anxiety.

8. If there’s no rehab or rescue available, ensuring the bird’s well-being is crucial!!

9. Labeling OP as YTA, Redditor suggests Charlie’s life isn’t at stake, but rather his living situation.

10. Is there any possibility of alleviating the bird’s stress? Can measures be taken to calm the bird?

11. A Redditor suggested taking the bird to a sanctuary. He even told OP that his wife volunteers at a bird shelter and can provide assistance.

12. Did the vet offer any advice on ways to assist Charlie through his grieving process?

13. Under no circumstances should you euthanize him! Instead, seek out a reputable bird rescue or sanctuary that can offer him a permanent home.

14. A Redditor asked OP to provide details about the factors the specialist mentioned as potential causes of stress.

15. OP would be in the wrong because, with a stress-free environment, Charlie could potentially live up to 50 years!!

16. No one’s at fault, but reaching out to a bird sanctuary and seeking a second opinion would be wise.

17. The doctor’s diagnosis seems questionable. Consider seeking a second opinion from a bird specialist to explore alternative solutions.

18. The bird’s behaviour may be linked to missing OP’s mom. Parrots form strong bonds and can experience grief.

19. There’s no blame here; the bird is distressed and grieving too, so it may be best for Charlie.

20. Consider looking into Bird Tricks on YouTube and reaching out to them; they offer classes and rehabilitation for parrots.

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