Boss Forces Employee to Take a Red-Eye Flight, Instantly Regrets It When They Quit the Next Day

Red-eye flights—those late-night or early-morning trips that disrupt our sleep schedules—are often avoided by travelers. The uncomfortable seating and lack of rest can make for a tough journey, leaving passengers drained by the time they arrive. While arriving at your destination early in the morning may be convenient, many travelers dislike these flights. Though the dim lighting and quiet cabin may help some catch a little sleep, for others, constant interruptions and discomfort make for a restless night.

That’s why travelers should pack essentials like eye masks, neck pillows, and anything else to make the trip more bearable. Unfortunately, higher-ups often don’t care about these challenges, focusing more on saving money than on the employee’s well-being. In the end, the exhaustion can cost more than the savings, and the following story is a perfect example.

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Source: Reddit

Higher-ups sadly never care about their employee’s well-being.

The place where OP works clearly isn’t great and has recently started tightening its budget.

OP’s work only allowed one night’s stay at a hotel, and OP was urged to take a red-eye flight home even though it was going to cost them more in the long run.

The OP explained that they would need to take a day off after the flight if they didn’t allow another night in the hotel, but the boss refused to back down.

Thus, OP did as they were instructed and couldn’t get a wink of sleep due to being seated close to the bathroom on the plane.

Via Reddit

When OP gets home, they basically spend the whole day sleeping, and they are welcomed to a mess at work the next day.

OP once again reminded their boss that it was entirely their fault, and thus they agreed not to force OP to take a red-eye flight again.

OP also shared another short story that made it clear how disjointed their workplace really is.

OP’s coworker had to spend 130 dollars for just the taxi, which could have been avoided if their workplace had listened.

Via Reddit

Comments on this Story:

A red-eye flight honestly sounds quite tiring.

Going to work the next day after a long flight sounds like hell to me.

Understandably, employees wouldn’t want to take red-eye flights.

I have also taken a red-eye flight, and it was truly horrible.

But at least this Redditor came out of the experience with a memorable story.

Via Reddit

Many companies place importance on very weird things.

It really should be as simple as that.

At least they didn’t make a huge fuss over the next day off thing.

A lot of the Redditors had fun stories to share about their similar experiences.

Spending a fun night in Vegas sounds like a great time to me.

They aren’t doing well when it comes to their budgeting.

Via Reddit

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