Dad Wonders If He’s Wrong for Not Waking Up with the Baby at Night and Leaving His Wife to Handle It Alone

In the realm of parenting, the issue of nighttime baby care can often become a contentious topic, especially when both partners are working full-time jobs. The situation can become even more complex when one parent is on extended maternity leave while the other is managing a high-stress career, leading to debates about the fair division of responsibilities.

This is the dilemma faced by a father in a recent Reddit post, where he seeks advice on his nighttime duties with his three-month-old baby. As tensions rise between him and his wife, who is at home full-time during her maternity leave, the couple finds themselves stuck in a disagreement over who should be responsible for waking up with the baby at night.

This story sheds light on the challenges of balancing career demands with family obligations, illustrating the evolving dynamics of parenthood and the need for open communication and mutual support. It prompts readers to consider how to navigate these shared responsibilities while fostering a nurturing environment for their child.

Continue scrolling down to explore the full narrative and share your thoughts on this relatable struggle.

Source: Reddit

1. Is OP wrong for not attending to their baby at night while working, despite his wife being home?

2. Seeking sincere advice, OP grapples with understanding the opposing perspective in their situation.

3. With a 3-month-old and both parents employed, the wife enjoys 6 months of paid maternity leave while OP, a VP Manager, resumes full-time office work after a 6-week parental leave.

4. During their shared leave, OP willingly attended to nighttime duties for their baby, including preparing bottles, feeding, changing diapers, and soothing back to sleep, cherishing the bonding moments with his daughter.

5. Transitioning back to work was challenging for OP, as he missed his daughter and wife throughout the day, despite having to fulfil his responsibilities.

6. The couple faces a dilemma regarding nocturnal baby care on days when the OP must commute to the office.

7. OP contends that his wife’s full-time presence at home justifies his offer to manage night-time duties during his work-from-home days.

8. Experiencing intense guilt, OP found himself unable to return to sleep after the confrontation. Upon returning from work, they engaged in a heated argument again.

9. Highlighting his perspective, OP mentioned his wife’s mother’s regular assistance, suggesting that she could have taken a nap during this time to offset the exhaustion from night-time duties.

10. Anticipating a fair division of night-time duties upon his wife’s return to work, he expressed bewilderment at being expected to wake up while he maintains a full-time job.

11. OP edited to clarify a few things.

12. Following a lengthy conversation with his wife, he expressed gratitude to the Reddit community for their valuable suggestions and candid opinions, which broadened his perspective and prompted introspection.

13. In summary, OP’s wife experienced a breakdown and tearfully confided in him about her struggles, admitting to symptoms of postpartum depression.

14. Acknowledging the valuable support received, OP expresses gratitude, recognizing the potential life-saving impact of the advice offered by others in the community.

15. Many commenters seem to have already formed opinions without fully reading and understanding the post.

16. The arrangement involves equitable sharing of nights, with one party taking three and the other taking four, ensuring both get adequate rest.

17. Working full-time, the split seems fair, with nearly half the week allocated.

18. It’s unreasonable for OP to split 50/50 when he is working and she’s staying home. Responsibilities should align with each person’s workload!

19. A Redditor shared that as a stay-at-home dad, he ensures his wife sleeps undisturbed before her workdays.

20. Another Redditor thinks that OP is the wife and not the husband…judging from the comments.

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